Access Bars®
Access Bars - is not a massage, but an energy treatment. Ultimately, it helps us to open ourselves to receiving, despite the fact that our ideas about ourselves and the world limit this ability. The therapist sits behind her head and puts her fingers to it - in different places - points. There are 32 points, different aspects are assigned to them: money, control, creativity, awareness, time and space, body, joy and sadness, sexuality, communication, gratitude ... Each of us has specific beliefs in these areas. Touch is delicate, subtle, and yet it causes a stir - in thoughts, in emotions. Various things are popping up on the surface of consciousness - this is a good time to take care of them. This is your space, you manage the process yourself. You decide if you want to share yourself - your thoughts, emotions, beliefs. It can be a very calm, gentle process or a dynamic and intense process. It all depends on you. It is best to feel it on your own body - if you are able to open up, surrender to it, lightness and bliss comes.
This treatment works 2-3 weeks. What can happen during this time? Maybe something that we have not been open to before may come to us. A limiting belief may emerge and it is time to say goodbye. - The energy of the body changes. It is important to drink plenty of water.
Some clients feel a significant change after the first treatment. Sometimes you have to break through several layers, and sometimes you feel relieved right away. If the symptoms are outdated, treatments can be performed in a cycle of 3, 5 or 10 sessions. At the beginning, it is best to have a session every 2-3 weeks.
What are the benefits of Access Bars?
change of brain waves, like after meditation
rest and relaxation
facilitating the change of beliefs and the introduction of new habits
internal consistency
faster wound healing and recovery
calming down
thoughts better sleep, help with insomnia
Contraindications for the procedure:
there are no contraindications for this treatment
Access Bars 60' 200 PLN
Access Bars 90' 250 PLN
Access Facelift- The energetic Access FACELIFT® process is a remarkable process that can reverse the signs of aging on the face and can create a similar effect throughout the body. The procedure can be performed by anyone, regardless of age, sex, appearance and expectations. The Access FACELIFT® Energy Session lasts about 1-1.5 hours and is delicate touching the neckline, head and face area. The Access FACELIFT energy process serves to evoke the generative energies of youth throughout your body. The variety of energies (having a phenomenal effect on our body) that are invoked during this process is huge. It is thanks to this that this treatment can rejuvenate and regenerate the cells of the whole body, it can reduce the symptoms of aging, restore the glow of the face, smooth and brighten acne skin. An additional invitation is the fact that it is wonderfully relaxing and relaxing.
Some clients feel a significant change after the first treatment. The treatment performed 20 times gives a lasting effect for years, but just one session gives visible changes in appearance and well-being. The treatment can be performed in a cycle of 3, 5 or 10 sessions. At the beginning, it is best to have a session every 2-3 weeks. Before Access Facelift, it is a good idea to adopt at least one Access Bars session.
What are the benefits of Facelift?
reduction of wrinkles and worries written on the face,
improvement of the condition of the skin,
reducing the signs of aging,
support after nasal septum surgeries, sinus problems and facial nerve paralysis, in diseases of the thyroid gland and upper respiratory tract,
reducing your judgments about your body
regaining "face" and becoming visible to others and to yourself,
better sleep.
Contraindications for the procedure:
there are no contraindications for this treatment
Facelift 60' 200 PLN
Facelift 90' 250 PLN